Building a National STEM Workforce Strategy: A Workshop for Researchers and Other Stakeholders
Effective Years: 2014-2016
The Board on Higher Education and the Workforce of the National Research Council will plan and convene a workshop to engage a diverse group of researchers, practitioners, employers, policymakers, and other relevant stakeholders in conversations to (1) describe the current status of research in STEM workforce development, (2) discuss and refine priority research themes and topics that will support development of a national STEM workforce strategy, and (3) inform the efforts of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources to establish a STEM Workforce Development track in its Core program. The results of the stakeholder forum will help frame future research priorities and inform the directorate's current and future investments in STEM teaching and learning, interdisciplinary research and training, and broadening participation. It also will suggest research that could support the development of a coherent STEM workforce development strategy for the United States.