ECR Projects

Explore past and current fundamental STEM education research projects across the three research areas that NSF's EDU Core Research (ECR) program funds, as well as across ECR funding types. Other search filters draw from both NSF's data and the ECR Hub's hand coding of award abstracts.

Ninth-grade biology students create cell models using clay.

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STEM Workforce Development STEM Workforce Development  

Learning from Successful Big Data Projects

Effective Years: 2015-2016

Data intensive research for many scientific disciplines has changed the basic research methods for those disciplines. For example large plant genomic data bases have changed how research is done in plant biology where analyzing the genes in the data base becomes a critical component of plant genetics research. This workshop addresses the emerging discipline of data intensive research in education through case studies of how data intensive research emerged in other disciplines.

The workshop is a two-day workshop that will feature case studies in disciplines such as astronomy, plant genomics, engineering, ocean sciences, and health information technology on the first day. The case studies will be presented by two participants within each domain - the provider of the data intensive research and the user of the research. The second day will be devoted to cross-cutting issues such as data interoperability, privacy, security, open data access, and other policy and data curation issues.