International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES): 2016 Biennial Conference Support
Effective Years: 2016-2016
This award to Temple University provides partial support to the International, Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES) conference, scheduled to be held in Toronto, Canada, in September, 2016. It is a unique opportunity for researchers in educational neuroscience to share the results of their cutting-edge work with educators and receive feedback on the translational opportunities for the research, and for educators to update their understanding of the cognitive and neural bases of learning and share best practices with regard to techniques, tools, and achievements. The award will support presentations related to the neural basis of STEM learning, including participation costs for researchers, educators, and students. The project is funded by the EHR Core Research program, which supports fundamental research that advances the research literature on STEM learning.
Sessions at the conference will cover such topics as early childhood interventions, the effects of growing up in a digital world, insights into reading disorders, number sense and math achievement, combining research and practice approaches to teacher professional development, bilingualism and the underpinnings of STEM learning. The conference includes keynote speeches, symposia, workshops, general paper sessions, and poster sessions.