ECR Projects

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STEM Workforce Development STEM Workforce Development  Broadening Participation in STEM Broadening Participation in STEM

GROW 2017: Strengthening women's representation in the mathematics workforce

Effective Years: 2017-2019

Northwestern University will host a summer workshop for women undergraduates in mathematics to motivate them to pursue graduate school and mathematics research careers. The project is the third workshop organized by the investigators to address barriers that impact the proportion of women transitioning from undergraduate to graduate school and the workforce. It is modeled as an intervention based on data about the progression of undergraduate women students in mathematics, documented barriers that women students face, and on practices proven effective for underrepresented minority students in STEM. The workshop will target students who express an intent to persist in the field and who have completed advanced core mathematics courses. The agenda includes speakers, panels, breakout sessions, and social networking. The workshop will promote collaborations and establish relationships between student participants and mentors. It also will promote peer networks among institutions within the mathematics community.