Workshop Slides: Adopting Open Science Practices to Improve Your Team’s Data Management, Your Future Funding Success, and Your Research’s Rigor Learning Series Sessions
Workshop Slides: Adopting Open Science Practices to Improve Your Team’s Data Management, Your Future Funding Success, and Your Research’s Rigor Learning Series Sessions
May 29, 2024 | ECR PI Meeting | Arlington, Virginia
Hosted by the Center for Open Science (COS) at the 2024 ECR PI Meeting, this workshop interspersed short lectures with peer-to-peer roundtable discussions about advancing open-science practices in the context of ECR-funded STEM education research.
The facilitators shared federal policy updates while emphasizing the benefits of open science to PIs’ data management in research teams, future funding success, and research rigor. In addition, the session provided “how-to” solutions by pointing attendees to practical resources developed over four years of the COS’s STEM Education Hub, an ECR Data Resource Hub that spans the range of experimental, observational, longitudinal, and qualitative methods used in STEM education research.
The workshop presentation slides are available below.
- Crystal Steltenpohl, Center for Open Science, Training and Education Manager
- Katie Corker, Executive Director