Supporting & growing
communities of
fundamental STEM
education researchers

Other NSF Community Event Webinar

Informational Webinar: Funding Opportunity focused on Digitalization in K-12 STEM Education
Tuesday, February 18 | 8 - 9am

Welcome to ECR Hub

Welcome to ECR Hub

The EDU Core Research (ECR) program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) funds fundamental research on STEM education as well as projects that build individuals’ capacity to conduct such research. The program provides multiple funding opportunities, including a dedicated track for investigators new to STEM education research via the Building Capacity in STEM Education Research (BCSER) solicitation.

The ECR Hub partners with NSF to build, support, and grow communities of current and prospective ECR grantees, especially for scholars and institutions underrepresented in the current ECR portfolio.


Explore example funded projects across ECR's three research areas (see description of each area here):

Recently Funded Projects

STEM Workforce Development STEM Workforce Development
STEM Learning and Learning Environments STEM Learning and Learning Environments
Broadening participation in STEM Broadening Participation in STEM

Connecting Professional and Educational Communities to Prepare Construction Engineering Students for the Workplace

Abiola Akanmu, Andrea N Ofori-Boadu

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University


STEM Learning and Learning Environments STEM Learning and Learning Environments

Trans-modal Analysis: A Mathematical and Computational Framework for Equity Assessment of Multi-modal STEM Learning Processes

David W Shaffer

University of Wisconsin-Madison

General STEM

STEM Learning and Learning Environments STEM Learning and Learning Environments

Over-engaged parenting and science achievement in early childhood

Julia A Leonard

Yale University

General science

More Projects

Upcoming Events

Other NSF Community Event Webinar

Tuesday, February 18 | 9 - 10am

NSF-Organized Event

Friday, February 28 | 4 - 5pm

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