Other NSF Community Event

Other NSF Community Event


Application Deadline: Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, and Mixed Methodologies

Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, & Mixed Methodologies 2024 Scholars Training Program Seeking to expand your quantitative data science skills in STEM education research? Join our growing community and network of critical quantitative researchers working for social justice! Applications are now open and close on Monday, July 15. Eligibility: Faculty, research professionals, and postdocs


Application Deadline for NSF QRM Scholars Program

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Quantitative Research Methods for STEM Education (QRM) Scholars Program pairs early-career education researchers with quantitative mentors to help develop skills in design, measurement, and analysis. The program includes a year-long training that includes a 3-day virtual Fall Institute (Sept. 27, 28, & Oct. 4, 2024) and a 2-day in-person Winter Institute (Jan. 31 & Feb.1, 2025), on-going live-stream workshops, and one-on-one research support with the assigned quantitative mentor.


Professional Development for Emerging Education Researchers (PEER) Institutes Application Deadline

Professional Development for Emerging Education Researchers (PEER) Institutes support emerging education researchers in developing their research interests into concrete questions, developing short- and long-term research plans, building community with other education researchers, and making progress on advancing projects to publication. We seek scholars who are familiar with independent research and want to expand their methodological repertoire.


Application Due Date: Modern Meta-Analysis Research Institute

Modern meta-analytic methods are needed to understand the conditions necessary to maximize STEM intervention impacts on learning outcomes. Meta-analysis is a suite of techniques that is uniquely positioned to answer important questions about contextual factors related to intervention effects. Unfortunately, traditional applications of meta-analysis in STEM, and education research broadly, focus on identifying average effects across multiple studies.


Quantitative Ethnography (QE) Fellows Institute Application Due Date

About the QE Fellows InstituteThe QE Fellows Institute is an NSF-funded program to train researchers in the methods and techniques of quantitative ethnography (QE). The institute brings together cohorts of fellows for a subsidized, week-long training at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in July, followed by three quarterly online sessions with internationally recognized QE experts.


QE Fellows Program Application Due Date

QE Fellows InstituteThe QE Fellows Institute is an NSF-funded program to train researchers in the methods and techniques of quantitative ethnography (QE). The institute brings together cohorts of fellows for a subsidized, week-long training at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in July, followed by three quarterly online sessions with internationally recognized QE experts.